Kerstwens en 2025 WS Advocaten
WS Advocaten wenst u prettige feestdagen en een voorspoedig 2025![Lees meer]
WS Advocaten wenst u prettige feestdagen en een voorspoedig 2025![Lees meer]
Redundancy and dealing with losing your job in The Netherlands Highly skilled migrants or expat and made redundant? WS Advocaten in Amsterdam is a specialist in legal advice on settlement agreements for highly skilled migrants and expats. A settlement agreement, also known as a termination agreement or VSO, governs dismissal (job losses)[Lees meer]
May an employee record a labor dispute conversation with the employer to use as evidence and what are the consequences? As a lawyer labor law Amsterdam, we provide advice to employers and employees in labor disputes. Recorded telephone conversations with employer On February 27, 2013, the Noord-Holland District Court ruled[Lees meer]
The Dutch layoff lawyers of WS Advocaten in Amsterdam advise employers and expats in the Netherlands on dismissal. Sometimes, businesses are forced to conduct employee layoffs. Our layoff lawyers in Amsterdam act for both the employee and the employer. As Dutch layoff lawyers we have gained extensive experience since 2000[Lees meer]
If an employee is not performing well, they may not be fired for that reason alone. Many Dutch employers think that sending an e-mail listing what the employee did not do well is sufficient for dismissal. In practice, the Dutch courts have found that this is short of the mark.[Lees meer]
Fixed-term contracts in The Netherlands with different employers and the chain rule Suppose you have been working via a temporary employment contract, and you have a few fixed-term contracts behind you. You like it so much that the company that hired you would like to hire you. You start signing.[Lees meer]
Threat to employer: shut up or I will rip your head off A Dutch employee was summarily dismissed for threatening his employer. In a conversation he said: “Shut up or I will rip your head off”. He never apologized. The employee felt that the threat was an emotional expression. A long[Lees meer]
A summary dismissal in The Netherlands may be given if the employee, in violation of the rules, takes property belonging to the employer. But does this also apply if it has become clear that a bottle taken away was not the property of the employer (Jumbo) at the time? Our[Lees meer]
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