Dismissal advice for expats and employers in Amsterdam

Dismissal advice for expats and employers in Amsterdam lawyer attorney

The Dutch employment law lawyers of WS Advocaten in Amsterdam advise employers and expats in the Netherlands on dismissal. Our dismissal lawyers act for both the employee and the employer. As Dutch dismissal lawyers we have gained extensive experience since 1997 and have learned to look at dismissal cases from all sides. Both with respect to the termination of an employment contract (in a dismissal procedure), severance pay, reorganization and appeal. 

Call our employment lawyers: 0031 20 – 522 1999 

Dysfunction, culpable actions or a disturbed working relationship (or a combination of those) can mean the end of an employment contract with an employee. The subdistrict court in Amsterdam can dissolve the employment contract on these grounds at the request of the employer.

In some cases, the employee himself can also request the dissolution of the employment contract, for example if the employer no longer pays wages.

If the judge grants a request for dissolution and dissolves the employment contract, the employment contract ends. The judge determines the exact end date of the contract. The Dutch subdistrict court can also impose a transition payment or a fair compensation (in case of serious culpable acts or omissions) on the employer.

Other ways of termination are also possible, such as summary dismissal, non-renewal of an employment contract and dismissal during the probationary period.

Dismissal cases that our law office has handled

Below are examples of legal cases in which our dismissal lawyer successfully represented clients in Amsterdam.

ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2018:7596 (summary dismissal, expert opinion)
ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2017:4366 (Dismissal, settlement agreement)
ECLI:NL:GHAMS:2018:3763 (Instant dismissal on appeal)
ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2018:4734 (Dismissal, transition pay)
ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2015:7278 (Dismissal, fair compensation)
ECLI:NL:GHAMS:2016:2964 (Dismissal, transitional allowance on appeal)
ECLI:NL:GHDHA:2018:1718 (Wage claim on appeal)

Our Amsterdam dismissal law attorneys also advise on other areas of employment law. In urgent cases, our employment law lawyer can quickly initiate summary proceedings. This is possible in the following cases, among others:

Our lawyers in Amsterdam have extensive expertise in labour law litigation for both expats and employers. We are also happy to strengthen your legal position by building up files or drafting or checking employment contracts.

Solving labor disputes for expats and employers

Our employment lawyers can also solve an employment dispute without the intervention of the court or the UWV. The employment lawyers of WS Advocaten in Amsterdam advise on drafting and negotiating a settlement agreement, or transfer of an employee. Our lawyer can also draw up a severance agreement. Sometimes an internal complaint procedure is possible, for example in education or health care.

The lawyers of WS advocaten in Amsterdam have specialized knowledge of and extensive experience in employment law. Our Amsterdam lawyers in employment law are also aware of the latest developments in Dutch employment and dismissal law.

Unfairly laid off

If you believe you have been unfairly laid off, you should contact WS Lawyers in Amsterdam. 

Contact Dutch dismissal lawyer in Amsterdam for expats and employers

Dutch dismissal lawyer in Amsterdam for expats and employers lawyer

Are you looking for involvement and a direct, personal contact with an experienced employment law specialist in Amsterdam? Call our specialized Dutch dismissal lawyer for questions and legal advice on employment law and other employment law topics.

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