Advocatenkantoor WS Advocaten blijft zo lang dat kan geopend tijdens Corona. Voor alle juridische zaken zoals advies of spoedprocedures kunt u ons tijdens kantooruren gewoon bellen (020-522199) of mailen. Bespreking op kantoor beperken wij zoveel mogelijk. Uiteraard nemen wij dan alle hygiene-voorschriften in acht, zo houden wij de nodige afstand en schudden wij geen handen met u.
Corona maatregelen
Zakelijke afspraken op kantoor of online
Corona measures
We would like to inform you about the measures we have taken at our office WS Advocaten & Mediators in Amsterdam. Most lawyers will work from home. Our files are stored digitally for quite some time and our infrastructure is set up in such a way that it is no problem at all to work remotely. We take the necessary measures so that the corona measures do not affect our accessibility, the possibilities to continue our work as usual and to switch in time when the need arises. We keep our productivity on arrow as much as possible, taking into account the measures proclaimed by the Judiciary with regard to the sitting and trial process. The quality of our service is thus guaranteed.
Business agreements
Appointments with our lawyers and staff can be made by telephone or videoconference. Small teams are also present at our office.